Fleming Steel Erectors Moves Up on Metal Construction News’ Top Metal Builders List
We are proud to announce that Metal Construction News has recognized Fleming Steel Erectors yet again in this year’s Top Metal Builders Erectors List by Tonnage. We are now ranked number six nationally with a 2.2% increase in square footage in 2021 versus 2020 – and we did it all safely with no lost time to injuries.

What does it take to erect 1,340,600 square feet of PEMB?
Hundreds of people working together, thousands of hours in the field, endless miles on the road, infinite patience from our families and friends, and a group of clients that are absolutely, hands down second to none.
We are so grateful for the opportunity to build the structures that keep US businesses moving forward in good times and in tough times. The past years have thrown a few curve balls at our industry and the greater economy, but our clients’ and partners’ steadfast commitment to working together to see these projects through has helped us all emerge stronger for the challenges.
Thank you to everyone who has made this ranking possible. Without your trust and confidence, we would not have the success we enjoy today. This ranking is the result of our collective effort and the honor is yours as much as it is ours. We look forward to whatever opportunities tomorrow may bring.
Fleming Steel Erectors – Butler Builders Since 1965